Flick your kitteh in the nuts next time that habbens
Kitteh is not in charge
Will get the message after the flick
Flick your kitteh in the nuts next time that habbens
Kitteh is not in charge
Will get the message after the flick
Oh dude
Marriage shill is back
You have no idea how pleased I am to see the regular scripts and shills coming back online after
The negativity and concernfagging was a decent effort for the last week
I should be thanking you all for pivoting to that tactic
You drove away those too weak to weather the storm and continue the fight
Now I just need red text shill to post and my morning will be comfy complete
Marriage shill is back !
Thin Lizzy time
It is a coordinated effort
You are screaming at 911 to send the police
And the dispatcher is saying stay calm they are on their way
Nothing more can be done
The board is already monitored
8kun came to be because 8chan was deplatformed
Ask yourself: what agency recently told facebook to censor its users about a certain laptop?
If the FBI did that to all facebook users
Ask yourself
Would they do the same thing to a domain refistrar et al?
We are the news now is not some rah rah shit
There are anons whose sole purpose here is to monitor and report back what they see
Ever wonder why one of us in here suggested airports / airfields that are federally managed
And all of a sudden POTUS rallies start showing up on airfields?
This board is monitored by the right and wrong people
No need to post CP to get eyes on content
Red text
You forgot the red text and
Hahahahahaha Q Tards at the end
You are almost there anon
Shill trainee
That's like muh license plate on muh vehicle
Clearing cache has nothing to do with muh ip
The cache clearing is for images I get it
But if you go to [Options] Hide images
No images will be loaded into muh browser and cached
So againโฆ
So what
Find me by IP and nothing is in muh cache
Wouldn't be here if that bothered me
Wouldn't have a Q reference on my license plate driving around for all to see
If I were concerned
Soon your balls will drop anon
And you will understand
17 MAP
Metadata left in the image
For all you pussies talking about DS and Reeeeee! Use a VPN , use linux, so DS boogey man no find me
Come find me
Warning, come heavy if you come looking
The only reason this nation is in the state it is in os because good people have not stood up for what is right