>A "president-elect" can't stay hidden in the basement
kek President-F&G Biden sure can
What are the State Fuckery rankings right now?
I'll go with this:
1) PA
2) MI
3) AZ
4) NV
5) WI
6) GA
7) NC
I like Newsmax, too.
The silver lining at this point is that Fox took a big hit in terms of its viewership catching on to how they really are.
State Fuckery Rankings
Updated based upon Anon feedback
1) PA
2) MI
3) AZ
4) NV
5) WI
6) GA
7) NC
8) CA
9) MN
10) ID (Boise Mail-In Fuckery)
Jimmy Dore when he's trashing the Dims hardcore makes you forget he's an Orange Man Bad commie.