What real funny
Who’s gonna pay for vaccine?
Governments….that’s who……the vaccine is a rich nigger scam
What real funny
Who’s gonna pay for vaccine?
Governments….that’s who……the vaccine is a rich nigger scam
Guess vaccines are the hill the Dem/commies gonna die on
Tired of the “Silent generation” yet?
74 million commies
Fuck all of you
His hates your kind
Dem/commies can’t build a decent vehicle
I know….wait till Strokey Joe sends all those gay Antifa to the Mid East
Hahahahaha……you fucked yourselves
Socialized welfare is the real problem
Just because you “have” money doesn’t mean you know how to “make” money
The rich are a fraud…
Timing is key…..Dem/commies will run up market to make boomers thinks everything’s ok…..then the big boom…..instant depression