All kinds of possible paths. POTUS may not have the time he needs before the state certification deadlines, but he will have power even if he is to leave the WH. Loads he can set into motion, if it has not already been done.
And then there is HIS ROLE DURING the next four years even if he is not in the WH. Can not count him out no matter who and how many abandon his fight to reconfirm the election he actually won.
Think of the impact of the DEM illegal schme should it actually force POTUS from the WH. They would be holding tight the mother of all political bombs and it will go off eventually. If not sooner.
That is a yuge problem for the DEEP STATE in all its forms. In each branch of the federal govt and at all levels within the state and county/municpal govts. It runs so deep that this explosive may be what is needed to wrip the schemes root and limb.
But even in the aftermath of such a crescendo, biblical in its scope, what then follows is picking up the pieces and reigniting the political processes and systems that express the will of the people - in fair contests. This is reset that puts govt in its place as a small subset of how our civil society lives and breathes.
This is not just a 4 year election. IT is an election that will run perhaps 2 maybe 3 cycles. BEYOND even DJT.