"is this about the virus or the election?" Takes on new meaning now. It was about mail in ballots. Destroy as many Trump ballots as possible and counter the rest with fraudulent mail ins. They couldn't destroy some 70 million of them and they had to inject millions of fraudulent mail ins to match the historic vote count for Potus.
The POTUS vote was so massive, there was no way they were going to pull it off without detection.
Now they fight using msm, as they always do, to push the narrative… "biden won, trump and supporters are just sore losers."
This is a much bigger, more strongly coordinated conspiracy than 2016. They are truly all-in now to steal the election.
Who is participating? Who is "knowingly" participating? Who fucked with the ballots and who instructed them to do so? Which msm talking heads know the election was stolen by fraud and are helping to push this narrative by ignoring/denying the fraud and calling for unity backing Biden?
We were heavily infiltrated by people who hate what we stand for. But we will stand and the day is near when everyone connected to this great fraud will face our wrath and the just consequences for their crimes.