North Carolina: with Trump ahead by 75,371 votes, or 1.38 percent, and Senator Thom Tillis leading by 95,397 votes, or 1.77 percent, the race has not been called because of the roughly 95,000 outstanding (not arrived) mail-in ballots, 30,000 arrived but untallied absentee ballots, and 41,000 provisional ballots that remain.
North Carolina law allows candidates to request a recount if the margin is 1 percent or less. At this point, Trump’s lead is outside the margin for a potential recount.
Arizona: Joe Biden leads by 16,985 votes, or 0.51 percent (fifty-one one-hundredths of 1 percent).
Arizona does not allow candidates to request recounts, but a recount is automatic if the margin is “one-tenth of one per cent of the number of votes cast for both such candidates or upon such measures or proposals” or “two hundred votes in the case of an office to be filled by state electors and for which the total number of votes cast is more than twenty-five thousand.”
At this point, Biden’s lead is outside the margin for an automatic recount.
Georgia: Joe Biden leads by 10,353 votes out of 4.98 million cast, or two-tenths of one percentage point.
Georgia has no automatic recount laws, but a candidate can request a recount if the margin is less than or equal to 0.5 percent. Georgia counties must certify their results and then send them to the Georgia Secretary of State, and then the Secretary of State certifies their results by November 20, and then a campaign must request a recount within two days.
At this point, Georgia’s vote sums are well within the margin for a potential recount.
Pennsylvania: Joe Biden now leads by 42,539 votes, or 0.63 percent (sixty-three one-hundredths of 1 percent). Pennsylvania law requires a recount when the margin for a statewide office or ballot measure is less than or equal to 0.5 percent of the total vote, and certain counties may choose to recount, if there is a verified discrepancy in the returns. At this point, Biden’s lead is outside the margin for an automatic recount.
(The Democrats who allegedly nefariously “fixed” the Pennsylvania elections in favor of Joe Biden forgot to ensure Democratic victories in the race for auditor general, state treasurer, half of the state’s U.S. House seats, a majority of the State Senate seats, or a majority of State House seats. In fact, as of this writing, it appears that Republicans may have expanded their state house majority; they’re currently leading Democratic incumbents in three races not yet called. This must be the most slipshod, sloppy, laziest vote-fixing conspiracy ever.)
Nevada: Joe Biden now leads in Nevada by 34,283 votes, or 2.59 percent. There is no automatic recount threshold in Nevada; a losing candidate may request a recount within three days of the statewide canvass.
Wisconsin: News organizations have declared Biden the winner of America’s Dairyland, with a lead of 20,540 votes, or 0.63 percent (sixty-three one-hundredths of 1 percent). The state does not have an automatic recount threshold, and the Trump campaign would have to pay for the recount: