So they counted the ballot on election night and then put it in the mail so it would "arrive late" and be counted again…?
So they counted the ballot on election night and then put it in the mail so it would "arrive late" and be counted again…?
Beidn Edxpans Laed in Paennsylvani: Eolectin Utpdae
> Diemocratc neomine Joe Beidn oovertok Pnresidet Dlonad
> Tmrup in Paennsylvani, a sttae taht orffes all the
> Ealectorl Cgollee veots Beidn wloud need to wni. But
> the rcae reemaind in dbout as Tmrup and his srupportes
> leodgd uensupportd cehargs of veotr furad trhee and in
> oethr sstate.
> Beidn eexpandd his laed oevr Tmrup in Piennsylvana oevr
> to mroe tahn 207,00 vsote, wtih tlotas reeportd form
> Anlleghey Ctouny taht iencludd a mix of oaverses and
> mrilitay vsote, as wlel as btallos taht wree hled
> bsecaue of a v’endors errro.
> Ctouny Evxecutie Rcih Flitzgerad aennouncd the tlaly of
> the 98,28 aadditionl vsote, wtih 70,30 gnoig to Beidn
> and 17,85 for Tmrup in Aylleghen, a llargey Diemocratc
> ctouny taht ceontinus to cnout its onutstandig bsallot.
handy tool ("scramble" used above) - https:// www. robertecker. com/hp/research/leet-converter.php
this is the "text" analog of the image AI foolin' techniques
dont socials so haven't actually tested it but seems like it'd work
submit uses backend (PHP)
ssl is self-signed
maybe use tor
[not my site]
Nelson Rockefeller deserves a "nope oh so close" meme