It is a glorious time to be alive. I do think Donald Trump is waking up and is part of this great plan and we will get answers to 9/11. Military Intelligence knows the real story and DJT and Patriots are in control. The information is out there piece it together through whatever Higher Power and energy guides you. Use your unique background and experience to add drops to the add to the flood that's coming. Sorry if my memes messy IDC I'd like to get faster but there's so much to do and other things going on. Drugs fucked up my life and its hard to focus, but that is part of my unique background and experience that allows me to contribute and turn a negative action into a positive.Fuck You George BushYou and your people were behind 9/11 and the Drug Trafficking. I can work on my drug problems, but 9/11 and actions afterwards have caused so much death and destruction on the world, and the medias role in the chaos going on now. There are so many levels to whats going on, multi dimensional, but it all leads me to light. Massachusetts is Heavily DS if I can pitch in and help destroy it I am going to. They killed many a Kennedy and ran Romney, and Kerry, Elizabeth Warren for President. Anna Presley a member of AOC's squad is a Rep from here. A lot of Bullshit and I am so fed up with it. I stand with Donald Trump and will do whatever I can do for America.