Not without a comma after that Q, nigger.
Well, at least it doesn't have a stupid fucking comma in it.
>Shills are fixated 'Qanon'
Yeah, they're making way to big a deal out of not using it.
Prolly Mockingnigger shills.
Tucker should move to NewsMax perfect fit.
…not to use Q_ANON in any form, yet you keep shilling for the Mockingbirds articles.
Sure thing Q_ANON keep pumping out those hit pieces.
They sure do love pushing that hit piece bait don't they?
Most Anons have moved past using the term for good reason, but you insist it still be used.
You're a shill - simple as.
Yeah, VA slipped under the radar.
Fox called it for Biden super-early and then POTUS went on to have a lead all night up until the very end.
Yeah, prolly fuckery there, too.
Dunno but I think I found ass berger.