Netanyahu to Trump : "So long and thanks for all the gefilte fish"
Bibi should have continued…."and the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's rightful capital and the recognition of Israel's claim to the Golan Heights and termination of the Iran nuclear deal and the defense of Israel's claim to the Temple Mount (when the Obama/Biden admin stood silent), etc, etc"
Instead Bibi eagerly prostrates himself before the pretender, (an act which neither the leaders of Mexico nor Russia have debased themselves with)
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many anons have been hoping, no praying, that this was MOS rogue elements, just like the FBI/CIA-lead coup, but Bibi's eager appeasement, when Israel knows there is no appeasement possible from those that despise God, now or during 8 years of the previous Obama/Biden administration…leads to only one conclusion…Israel, as a nation is choosing this course of action and this path knowingly and willingly
Any Jews/Israelis who support a truly free Israel must support Trump to the bitter end and do what Jews have long criticized Muslims for not doing…standing up to the Jews who disguise totalitarianism, cruelty and rot behind the wall of antisemitism