Woman's rights and children's rights are going to be the demise of our country. They are used constantly to erode our rights. "If it saves only one woman, if it protects only one child."
Your autism would be better spent in the classification of pedo or rapist. when I say PEDO to you, your mind you shows you Obama, you see some scary old man and some innocent little 6 year old. of course thoes people should die. but how many "Pedos" in our country are 19 year old guys who got caught playing grab ass with there 16 year old girl friend, they take some shit plea deal. do they get the gas chamber too?
politicians use the sex offender laws to water down the registry and to look tuff on sex offenders in return for votes.
spend a little time researching the clear abuse of power revolving around the sex offender laws and registry.
DOJ needs to clean that shit up, and classify PEDO's as PEDO's and get the bull shit offenses out of the registry.
True PEDO's should be nixed. the rest should be charged accordingly to the offense.
I have a RL friend going threw this shit right now at 19 years old good grades good kid. he is in process of signing a ple that will put him on paper for 10 years both families are in ruin right now. unfair and un just!