Anonymous ID: 587fa7 Nov. 10, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.11572338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2362 >>2383


I added to your chart a couple items that nuance the ongoing dialog, the qualifier Legal regarding ballots and the part that points out the act of stealing that is being promulgated by the criminals in the fake news media. I was thinking about the moniker fake news and how to note the end of the chart, and decided on using the opposite of fake. However, in the past no identifier was needed, will there be one needed in the future. Press credentials were given to certify agents of the news media in the past, but now anyone and everyone engages in press. In the future will the Press again have credentials, how will they be verified or certified or will anyone ever care about that again


Certified News Network

Anonymous ID: 587fa7 Nov. 10, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.11572482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not sure on that, but in general I agree. I suppose it would need to be tied directly to Joe, they I would assume immediately claim no direct involvement with it and most likely have legally interwoven all kinds of plausible deniability, lawfare for decades



I thought the chart idea was a great tool, and I got up immediately to offer some input on the idea. I would rather in this case use the term shamelessly shared . Although I get the culture of stealing memes I would rather use stealing or stolen for criminals and relate it to what the fake news media and criminal technology companies have done, ie stolen our faith


Thank you for sharing. I am really am happy to feel like I can help and share in a common goal to promote truth and what is good. It is nice when we each can feel that working for a benefit for all.


Early cup is best cup


Nice and Quiet