thx baker….good 777 bread!
>>11573647 (lb)
This is fucking ridiculous….yet normies continue to ignore stories like this….they are just "conspiracy theories"…..
I personally have seen at least 30 stories like this….
But yeah, that's right, they are all made up.
fucking pukes….look at the symbol behind him….come on…..but WE are Nazi's???
I never even thought about that…..have they been caught doing that? I mean, after all, thanks to scary COVID, I am sure they had to have fucking sanitizer on every table….3 bottles each.
Maybe that is what Rusy was trying to show with that ink on his hands…how easy to destroy a ballot with sanitizer, which is really just alcohol, gel & water.
They fucking lie like they breathe…
I keep trying to tell myself they are just actors, and this is a movie.
Yet not matter what I tell my normie family, they continue to listen to the lying media….
The media truly is the enemy of the people.
> Biden concedes, in hopes that Barr goes away.
If this happens, heads will literally start exploding everywhere…
We'll need to run for cover…..and kek all day long