Some thing about the line from post 111 ( Q posted:
"The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital." seems 'off' to me. As in, on the surface this sounds like Q meant to say "The complete picture would hospitalize 99% of Americans (the World)". But Q didn't phrase it that way … and Q is VERY deliberate with language.
What if the message is not saying the knowledge would hospitalize 99% of us, but rather, we would go there to get something done, removed, take a shot … I don't know. Something that would compel damn near the entire globe to go to a hospital.
It makes me think of the movie Fire In The Sky. True(ish) story about Travis Walton's alien abduction. They planted some kind of 'tracking' something in his eye. There have been literally THOUSANDS of reports of people having close encounters, then finding later after undergoing an X-Ray or MRI that they have a device implanted.
Fuck man … what if that is us. What if we have tracking devices and we just don't know it, and there is a pretty simple way to remove, or deactivate it, but it requires a medical professional (for whatever reason).
I need to get some sleep.