FakeQ (ver.13) is big mad again.
What happened this time?
Hope not - there's already plenty of that to go around.
>Early Day Shift
I prefer to call it Swordy Shift instead of the scientific spergo name.
>t. Night Shift runs this town
Nothing wrong with Anon Note Buns at any time.
Kitchen still yours A GUEST keep on bakin'.
So, you stutter in real meat space time I take it.
kek and bitching about it on QR will certainly fix it
FJ currently in the house playing whack-a-mole.
>the stutterer can become Emperor, it's happened.
Biggus Dickus
>t. Saw the movie so I know already
REFRESH ANONS - most should be gone now
He wasn't a native Roman so doesn't count.
I didn't realize how many Bannon crackheads were here.
>t. Not that there's anything wrong with that
Eyes already on - Action being taken - Moving target so not easy: