Fuck fox & bread shitters!
More draining of the MIL Swamp!
We need to clean those swamps out COMPLETELY!
Not just 1 generation that woke up, but several all at the same time.
Like you said >>
The shit the political 'elite'have pulled over the yearsin mindfucking..
That spans generations, asshat.
Not going to happen.
They thought Texas was going to go blue this round, and it didn't.
In fact we ran out the demoncraps bus!
Won't be no suceesion for them, it'll be swamp draining instead.
All those insurrectionist wiped out!
No generation woke up on it's own.
After WW2 the US was united, nobody thought this kind of shit could happen afterwards.
9/11 hit, how many years after WW2, same shit happened again, only this time the government fucked up in a way that woke all generations up to what was going on.
Basically, you're correct! KEK!
Fuck you.
You think people can't be fooled at any level, then you're just a shill trying to stir shit up.