McCabe looks like a man who has been found guilty. and is being sentenced.
Graham: What should be done to you and others?
Cornyn: How is it that the FBI decided to interfere in the election, of not just one, but two candidates for the president of the United States?
McCabe claims people have been held accountable. kek
McCabe: It is correct that I was the subject of a biased, deeply flawed and unfair, investigation of the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General.
Durban thanks George Bush for congratulating Biden.
"George Bush is a proud republican"
Happier times.
Whitehouse comparing Biden's 'connections' to China to Trump and Russia.
Lee: Is it typical for leadership at the FBI to strategize as to how to get subjects to lie..?
Whitehouse claims The FBI investigation into Kavanaugh was 'tanked'.