cant say thanks enough baker!
lookin' good boys!
q isn't gonna prove anything, but a DHS audit will…
and the information coming out of it will be undeniable, and ((they)) won't be able to we cheated them… that was the entire purpose of this rope-a-dope
((they)) won't be able to say WE cheated them…
I know they boycotted the state of the union last year, saying they 'refused to accept the election results'…
I know they would be looting and rioting right now screaming 'trump cheated the election' if it were THEM in the situation we are in….
I know GOD always has a trick up His sleeve, and every season is enevitably preparing us for the next…
and I know if DHS can prove WHO the cheaters were, it's gonna shut their fairytale projection down every time…
"sir none of that is correct"
"your characterization of a 'leak' is not accurate"
atleast they are letting us speak…
facebook is disabling accounts all together wherever they see Q posts…
just gotta know what you're listening for…
we ALL need a mentor, or else we can't pour out what was poured into us…
to BE a leader, you must first be taught to lead…
I like your attitude, anon… I do.
but I just can't guarantee it will be fruitful if you don't have someone pouring into YOU.
bro, he cooked up an amazing message, and if you could push the judgement back long enough to LISTEN… you'd probably appreciate you did so.
but i don't know the man personally, sorry.
I'm not here to gossip about the past..
just sharing a fire word from the Lord.