I bet if all of it was exposed you could put Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico in Trump's columns too.
Here is an example of numbers from 2016 compared to this election.
Total BS
Biden had zero ground game, zero signs, Trump car parades in many cities and on the interstate.
Several ( former) Dems in our family voted straight republican for the first time ever.
I think they have been manipulating the elections here for many years, especially in the Denver metro area.
And after how insane the left has become, i know many people walked away and independents want nothing to do with the democrats after the way they have behaved for the past few years.
Also worth noting,
This election Trump got more votes than Clinton did in 2016 , and yet Biden beat Trump by 13 points
Clinton 2016 Colorado 1,208,095
Trump 2020 Colorado 1,335,253
How many Trump votes were tossed in the trash?
How many Glitches did they have here?