Jens Weidmann: He knows where the money goes.
BIS Board of Directors elects Jens Weidmann Chairman
On 6 September 2015 the Board of Directors of the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS) elected Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann as its new Chairman. His three-year term of office will begin on 1 November. President Weidmann is the first German citizen to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the BIS, which was founded in 1930.
The BIS, also known as "the central bank’s central bank", is the world’s oldest international financial institution. The Bundesbank is one of currently 60 member institutions. [He is president of the Deutsche Bundesbank.]
The Board of Directors determines the strategic and policy direction of the BIS. It also supervises BIS management. It meets at least six times a year. Its composition includes six ex officio members – the central bank governors of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each of these members may appoint another member of the same nationality to the Board. Pursuant to the BIS statues, up to nine governors of other member central banks may be elected to the Board of Directors.