Anonymous ID: 22df66 Nov. 10, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.11578753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Apprenticeships provide American workers tangible skills

and an industry-recognized credential. They strengthen our

Nation's economy and help millions of men and women provide for

their families without taking on the financial burden of student

loans and other related debt. During National Apprenticeship

Week, we celebrate the American workers who create a brighter

future for themselves and their families through

apprenticeships, and we further our commitment to bolstering

opportunity as we continue our economic comeback.

For decades, politicians and bureaucrats in Washington

neglected workers, shipped jobs overseas, and abandoned

essential manufacturing industries. When I took office, I

reversed these policies and pledged to always put the American

economy, labor force, and worker first. Under my leadership, we

have cut taxes, removed burdensome regulations on businesses,

and renegotiated our trade deals, all of which led to historic

job creation and economic growth. Apprenticeships are a pillar

of our effort to continue this trend, and my Administration

remains committed to supporting initiatives that empower

Americans and prepare our workers to compete and thrive in a

21st-century economy.

Since taking office, my Administration has worked

tirelessly to empower more Americans with the benefits of

apprenticeships and the skills they provide. In June of 2017,

I signed an Executive Order on Expanding Apprenticeships in

America. Under my leadership, the Department of Labor has

This document is scheduled to be published in the

Federal Register on 11/12/2020 and available online at, and on


awarded $80 million across 42 States and territories for

occupational skills education for American students and workers,

800,000 Americans have joined apprenticeship programs, and we

are well on the way to meeting my goal of 1 million new

apprentices by September of next year. In Fiscal Year 2019

alone, we registered more than 250,000 new apprentices in vital

industries, including advanced manufacturing, financial

services, educational services, transportation, healthcare, and

informational technology. My Administration also recently

launched the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program model,

which provides opportunities for industry-led, market-driven

training that expands workforce development and opens windows to

well-paying jobs in high-demand industries. In recognition of

our Nation's obligation to our military men and women, my

Administration has also expanded the United Services Military

Apprenticeship Program across all branches, providing

apprenticeship opportunities to our service members while they

are still on active duty to help them prepare for prosperous and

fulfilling lives after their time in uniform.

My Administration will also continue to work with industry

partners to provide workers with the skills they need to succeed

in today's economy through the Pledge to America's Workers.

This initiative recently proved essential as our Nation

confronted the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus

pandemic. As part of our ongoing response, we launched the

largest industrial mobilization since World War II, and

thousands of new apprentices answered the call for skilled labor

in key sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, cybersecurity,

and information technology. These efforts demonstrate that,

when government allows the free market to respond, the spirit of


the American worker and the strength and resolve of America's

economy will overcome any challenge.

This week, we recommit to bolstering economic opportunity

through apprenticeships. I encourage individuals, business

leaders, and government officials to support hardworking

Americans and their families through expanding apprenticeship

education and training, recognizing the essential role

apprenticeships play in sustaining our national economy.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the

United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in

me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do

hereby proclaim November 8 through November 14, 2020, as

National Apprenticeship Week.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth

day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty,

and of the Independence of the United States of America the

two hundred and forty-fifth.

[FR Doc. 2020-25191 Filed: 11/10/2020 11:15 am; Publication Date: 11/12/2020]