My best estimated guess of what happened on November 3rd:
What I believe happened was the SIGNIT program Scorecard was suppose to “even” out the race between Biden and Trump early on Nov. 3rd with the plan of using illegal mail-in ballots to give Biden the positive edge over Trump in the late hours on Election Day.
What ended up happening was the Scorecard algorithm seem to automate/flip the votes -OR- Biden was losing by a much larger margin than originally anticipated by the end of Nov 3rd. So, the voting systems connected to the internet (as reported) for a remote engineer to “fix” a “glitch” in the system. In other words, they had to flip the votes “manually” which explains Biden’s sudden spike.
However, before the manual override occurred, the D’s were panicking and rushed to increase the illegal mail-in ballots volume out of fear that Scorecard wasn’t going to flip the votes. Essentially massively increasing the votes (two fold) unintentionally.
November 4th comes around and everything changed. Biden has a suspicious lead in all the swing states that Trump held by a hefty lead. Now the D’s know they fucked up. They overplayed their hand and it’s obvious.
There’s a reason why the news is still not calling states that have over 90% votes counted where Trump is favored. They are panicking because the more illegal votes they throw into the ring and the longer they draw the count out, the more obvious the scam becomes. This is why the media is rushing to declare Biden the “president-elect”.
On top of that, they were all baited to do exactly this and were caught. Let alone poll workers recording their criminal activity - which is absolutely stupid.
Regardless of what I stated above is accurate or not, there is clear evidence of Election Fraud and it will be legally challenged.