Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.11581906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1923 >>2245

Media Outraged At Pompeo's Comments On 2nd Trump Administration


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo briefly prompted MSM reporters (and many of their blue-checkmark-bearing political operative friends on twitter) to nearly hyperventilate after he suggested - in a comment that has since been confirmed (by Pompeo himself) as a joke - that the State Department was busy preparing for a second Trump administration.


In response to a question from a reporter, Pompeo said "there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration" - before clarifying that he was joking, and continuing on to assure reporters that every legal vote would be counted and tallied.


While that might sound like a harmless joke to some (or even to many) of our readers, in a hyperpartisan American where SJWs are forever poised to retreat to their safe spaces at the slightest provocation, even referencing the prospect of a second Trump Administration, even in jest, is simply too much for some people.


So here comes Bloomberg, riding to the defense of its oversensitive "public", and slamming Pompeo for "throwing fuel on the president's unsubstantiated claims that the Nov. 3 election was fraudulent."


Of course, labeling a joke like this as "dangerous" because it supposedly indulges the president's "claims" that he would be the winner if only "legal" votes were counted, it's worth pointing out that literally nobody (aside from Trump, in a series of tweets clearly intended to rile the base) is suggesting that Trump will simply be handed the election on a silver platter.


Well, nobody except for Bloomberg and its 'competitors'.

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3 p.m. No.11581934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

Parler Sees Major Growth Boom as Big Tech Continues to Censor and Suppress Election News — Nearly 5M New Users Since Friday


Twitter competitor Parler has seen a massive boom in users as Big Tech continues to censor and suppress election related news that is unfavorable to Joe Biden.


Following the election, Parler, which describes itself as a “non-biased, free speech” platform, surged to the top of the Google and Apple App Stores.


“People from all walks of life, fed up with opaque, biased content curation, inconsistent agenda-driven fact checking, and manipulative algorithms built on data mining, are joining Parler to speak free. Since Friday, over 4.5 million new people have created accounts, and engagement has surged. Over 5 million individuals were active on Parler yesterday, an 8-fold increase from daily activity just a week ago. Our session activity has increased by well over 20 times during the same period,” Parler CEO John Matze said in a statement.


Matze added that “Facebook and Twitter’s suppression of election information was a catalyst, causing many people to lose their trust. But the movement away from these platforms was already well underway. Many of you have been activists alongside us, calling out the lack of transparency and unjust, biased policies of our competitors, as part of the Twexit and Erasebook campaigns we launched earlier this year.”


Due to the massive amount of new and highly active users, there were a few glitches and issues over the weekend, but they appear to have been cleared up as of Tuesday. The platform also announced that they will be rolling out a wide array of updates and new features as it continues to grow and expand.


“Thanks again for joining Parler. Together we will continue to stand up to cancel culture, defy authoritarian content curation, and reclaim the Internet as a free and open town square. Let’s continue to Parley—to decide what to read, write, and think for ourselves. We’re honored you’ve entrusted Parler to give you the tools you need to speak free,” Matze’s statement concluded.

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.11581963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

Opposition to Trump Apoplectic Over Announcement of Kash Patel’s Appointment to Defense Secretary Miller’s Chief of Staff


Here is a timeline of recent developments that has people talking:


** Kash Patel was the key aide assisting House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes on Spygate and all related matters. Patel is well respected in Trump circles. He instrumental in revealing the Obama campaign’s spying on the Trump campaign. Kash Patel was falsely accused of being a Trump Ukraine informant during the sham impeachment of President Trump.


** On August 2nd, 2019, Kash Patel was named by the Trump White House to his current counterterrorism post.


** On Monday President Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and named Christopher Miller, head of the National Counterterrorism Center, as acting Defense Secretary.


** On Monday Attorney General Bill Barr paid little advertised visit to senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.


** On Monday Mitch McConnell held a speech on the US Senate floor in support of the President’s efforts to sort out all the irregularities and cheating ahead, during, and after the Nov. 3, 2020, election.


** On Tuesday Mitch McConnell and other Republican senators held a presser in support of President Trump’s election efforts.


** Today the President named Kash Patel to the role of Christopher Miller’s Chief of Staff.


The Conservative Treehouse added this:


Sundance says:


Regardless of the current dynamic inside the election challenge controversy this is a very interesting move by the White House.


Kash Patel is the National Security Council Aide who was the key person assisting House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes.


Patel knows all of the details and nuances within the overall ‘spygate’ saga on a very granular level.

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.11582007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2188 >>2245

Ilhan Omar's Campaign Paid Nearly $2.8 Mln to Husband's Firm, Finance Reports Show


Omar married Tim Mynett, a political consultant, in March 2020, but claimed her relationship with him began long before he started working for her campaign and there were "no legal issues".


Democrat Ilhan Omar's campaign has paid almost $2.8 million to her husband Tim Mynett's firm in 2019-2020 so far, the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) data showed.


According to the data, Omar, who won re-election to the House last week, reported paying $1.6 million to Mynett's political consulting firm - E Street Group LLC - from 2019 through 22 July, and later filed $1.1 million and $27,000, respectively.


In March 2020, Omar officially announced her marriage to Mynett, following lengthy speculations in the media about their possible affair. The Democrat defended her relationship with Mynett, claiming that started dating long before he became a political consultant for her own campaign, which, however, assumes their affair could have been taking place when they were both still married.


In a series of tweets posted on 17 March, Omar called those scrutinising her campaign's finance reports "trolls", adding that an attorney told her there are no violations concerning her relationship with Mynett.


My relationship with Tim began long after this work started.


We consulted with a top FEC campaign attorney to ensure there were no possible legal issues with our relationship. We were told this is not uncommon and that no, there weren’t.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) March 17, 2020


In accordance with American law, relatives of the members of Congress are allowed to engage in campaign work, though there could be some moral concerns, given the amount of money involved in the campaigning.

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.11582043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

Senator Asks DOJ If Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Deals Complied With Foreign Agent Registration Law


Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley called on the Justice Department Tuesday to assess whether Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, should have registered as foreign agents of China for their work with a Chinese energy firm.


According to a Senate report released in September, the Chinese company, CEFC China Energy, wired Hunter Biden at least $5 million from August 2017 through October 2018 to help develop investment deals for the company in the U.S. and other countries.


CEFC also paid Biden’s law firm $1 million in March 2018 to represent Dr. Patrick Ho, a former CEFC executive who was indicted for bribery related to business deals in Africa.


CEFC’s former chairman, Ye Jianming, reportedly has links to the Chinese Communist Party and was an official with a group tied to the People’s Liberation Army.


James Biden, who is the younger brother to President-elect Joe Biden, worked with Hunter Biden on the CEFC project, according to emails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


In a letter to Attorney General William Barr, Sen. Grassley asserted that CEFC was “an extension of the Chinese government,” and that the firm intended to influence U.S. policy and public opinion on behalf of Beijing.


“CEFC was the perfect vehicle to bring financial benefits to the communist regime under the guise of a private sector company,” Grassley wrote to Barr.


“CEFC is clearly a foreign principal as defined by FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] and Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s work for CEFC directly benefitted the communist Chinese government thereby making them potential agents of that government.”


Grassley asked Barr to disclose any investigation into whether Biden should register under FARA, or whether he was ever notified that he should register under the law.

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.11582139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

Members of the Georgia Republican Congressional Delegation Demand Answers From Secretary of State Raffensperger About Allegations of Voter Irregularities


Georgia Republican lawmakers are putting tremendous pressure on Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to investigate allegations of voter irregularities.


Members of the Georgia Republican Congressional Delegation on Tuesday demanded answers from Raffensperger, reported Savannah Now.


“As Members and Members-Elect of the Georgia Congressional Delegation, we are deeply concerned by continued, serious allegations of voting irregularities in our state. The Georgia Republican Party and the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign have received reports of deceased or ineligible voters casting ballots, eligible voters being denied the opportunity to vote, and Republican poll watchers and observers being denied access to activities and meetings critical to ensuring a fair, accurate, and transparent vote tabulation,” the statement read.


Georgia US GOP senators Perdue and Loeffler on Monday called for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to resign in a scathing joint statement.


President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by 110,000 votes on election night in Georgia when all of a sudden they stopped counting ballots.


Strangely, a Fulton County’s absentee ballot processing center was flooded on election night after a pipe burst, slowing down the counting of mail-in ballots.


“The Secretary of State has failed to deliver honest and transparent elections. He has failed the people of Georgia, and he should step down immediately.”

Anonymous ID: 2b9512 Nov. 10, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.11582177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

Minneapolis City Council trashed cops and threatened to defund them. As crime rises, they're forced to outsource for police.




Minneapolis, where the cry to "defund the police" really got rolling, is facing a police shortage and that has led to a serious crime problem. So now it looks like the city will be forced to outsource its police work at a cost of $500,000 for a month and a half of work, WCCO-TV reported.


In the wake of the death of George Floyd in late May, the Minneapolis City Council loudly and proudly declared it was time to "defund the police."


The emotional calls to gut city law enforcement were echoed with anti-police protests and riots in Minnesota's Twin Cities that eventually spread across the nation.


The council promised the city's anti-police citizens that they would dismantle the city's policing systems. Then, in June, the council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution officially committing to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a "community safety" model.


The city council's moves and the "defund the police" crowd's demands were successful in cutting the number of police. They were so successful, in fact, that in September, as crime was spiking in Minneapolis, members of the city council were demanding to know: "Where are the police?"


Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo told them exactly where they were: gone.


When Arradondo explained to the council that its actions had repercussions, he noted that more than 100 officers had left the department, which was more than double the usual number.


In October, several residents sued the city over insufficient policing that has left them fearing for their safety as violent crime has surged. The lawsuit also claimed that there are now fewer officers employed in the MPD than what is required by the city charter.

What will the city council do?


The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Monday night that the anti-police mayor and city council are looking at bringing in officers from other jurisdictions to help the MPD take on the crime wave and cop shortage.


The plan would pull in cops from the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office and Metro Transit Police for temporary work with the city, mostly responding to violent 911 calls using Joint Enforcement Teams, the Star Tribune said.


According to the paper, the planned teams would form Sunday and run through the end of the year.


The seven-week contract policing plan would cost the city $497,000.


The vote on the plan is expected to happen Friday and be sent to the mayor for approval, WCCO said.