Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.11583915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4213 >>4519

Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents Trying to Intimidate USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim


Project Veritas has released a video with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins asserting that he did not recant his allegations of election fraud, a lie that was published by the Washington Post.


Additionally, the organization posted recordings of federal agents attempting to coerce and intimidate Hopkins into recanting.


Hopkins made major waves when he went on record about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s orders to backdate ballots to November 3rd in Erie, Pennsylvania, so that late ballots would be accepted.


Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Election Day to be considered valid and counted, per US law.


In the newly released recording, Agent Russell Strasser says that “I am trying to twist you a little bit.”


“We have senators involved. We have the Department of Justice involved. We have-” Strasser says.


“Hopkins interjects that Trump’s lawyers have also been in contact with him.


“I am not — I am actually. I am trying to twist you a little bit because in that, believe it or not, your mind will kick in,” Strasser says. “We like to control our mind. And when we do that, we can convince ourselves of a memory. But when you’re under a little bit of stress, which is what I’m doing to you purposely, your mind can be a little bit clearer. And we’re going to do a different exercise too, to make your mind a little bit clearer. So, this is all on purpose,” Strasser said.


In the newly released video, Hopkins asserts, in no uncertain terms, that he did not recant. Claims that he did are fake news.


Project Veritas has said that they also have recordings of federal agents attempting to intimidate and coerce him into recanting — but that he held firm. They have said that they will be releasing those recordings shortly.


“The recordings are explosive evidence of retaliation, ‘scaring’ him,” O’Keefe wrote of the intimidation. “Whistleblower has received a letter putting him on suspension without pay.”

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.11583988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4213 >>4519

Communist Party Expands Crackdown On China's Tech Billionaires After Spoiling Ant Financial IPO


Jack Ma might be China's richest man (for now, at least), but in the span of a week, Beijing's decision to postpone the planned IPO/spinoff of Alibaba's Ant Financial unit offering in Shanghai, preceded, according to reports, by onerous new regulatory measures (which, analysts say, could cut the company's value in half) has brought Ma to heel.


What could Ma, whose membership in the Communist Party is a matter of public record, have possibly done to provoke such a painful rebuke? He had the audacity to criticize China's financial regulations during an appearance at a high-profile industry conference in October. Ma's comments didn't make waves at the time, but nothing escapes the CCP.


Following a year where China has delivered perhaps its biggest repudiation yet to international hopes for economic and political liberalization (the Hong Kong natsec law and brutal COVID lockdowns are probably the two most vivid examples), it appears President Xi and the Politburo are launching a full-on campaign to rein in the power of China's tech/fintech billionaires (a group that also includes Tencent founder Pony Ma).


Why? Because, as we first explained the other day, Beijing has probably long been uncomfortable with the growing global power, influence and visibility of China's private-economy billionaires. Ma's insouciance, likely seen as an act of profound disrespect, however obtuse, was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. So, we were hardly surprised Tuesday morning when Bloomberg reported that the crackdown on China's fintech giants appears to be expanding, rattling China's domestic equity market, as the new "regulations" Beijing promised earlier this month have finally been unveiled.


One Beijing-based lawyer told the foreign press that this is nothing short of a "watershed moment" for China's tech industry, the world's biggest, after the US.


Xi Jinping’s Communist Party is stepping up efforts to rein in some of China’s most powerful companies, jolting investors and dealing a blow to the country’s richest entrepreneurs.


Beijing on Tuesday unveiled regulations to root out monopolistic practices in the internet industry, seeking to curtail the growing influence of corporations like Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. The rules, which sent both stocks tumbling and sparked a wider selloff in Chinese equities, landed about a week after new restrictions on the finance sector that triggered the shock suspension of Ant Group Co.’s $35 billion initial public offering.


While Xi’s government has been steadily tightening its grip on the world’s second-largest economy, it has until recently taken a relatively hands off approach toward businesses that dominate China’s burgeoning internet, e-commerce and digital finance industries. Authorities are concerned the companies have become too powerful, according to Ma Chen, a Beijing-based partner at Han Kun Law Offices.


"This is a watershed moment," said Ma, who specializes in antitrust.

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.11584026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4213 >>4519

Sacked rail boss caught up in corruption probe


Accused of $300,000 in bribes


The sacked boss of Victoria's regional rail operator has declined to apologise to taxpayers after a corruption probe heard he was accused of taking bribes.


"I'm not allowed to talk to anybody," James Pinder said when approached by A Current Affair in Melbourne.


"If I talk to you, I'd be breaking the law," he claimed.


Mr Pinder has been keeping a low-profile since he was sacked last month as CEO of V/Line, Victoria's regional rail provider.


The dismissal came after Mr Pinder was investigated over corruption allegations by IBAC (Victoria's Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission).


The allegation being investigated was whether Mr Pinder accepted bribes from cleaning company, Transclean, and in return it was alleged Mr Pinder would grant Transclean millions of dollars in government contracts.


"The alleged conduct of both Mr Pinder and Transclean is not acceptable to V/Line under any circumstances," V/Line Chair, Gabrielle Bell said last week.


Mr Pinder denies the allegations.


But compelling evidence unearthed by IBAC investigators is what led to V/Line moving on Mr Pinder.


The evidence was presented before a recent hearing held by IBAC, that called Mr Pinder as a key witness.


The evidence included intercepted phone calls, secret cameras and covert photographs of meetings between Mr Pinder and Transclean Boss, George Haritos.


It's alleged Mr Haritos would give Mr Pinder cash at these meetings.


On an intercepted phone call played to the IBAC hearing, Mr Pinder is heard referring to a "sprinkle".


Lawyers for IBAC allege that a "sprinkle" was a code-word for the payments.


During the investigation Mr Pinder was accused of having accepted more than $300,000 from Mr Haritos and Transclean.


In return, it's alleged Transclean was awarded $40 million in taxpayer-funded contracts.


No one was home today at Mr Haritos' multi-million-dollar Toorak Mansion, when A Current Affair went looking for answers.


Aside from the controversy about the contracts and phone recordings, doubt was cast on whether Transclean did their job properly.

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.11584146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4171 >>4213 >>4519

‘OH ST, FK’: NBC Reporter Freaks Out Amid Confirmation That Trump Won North Carolina


MSNBC's Ken Dilanian has attributed the profane outburst to "technical difficulties" with the "control room"


National Broadcasting Corporation correspondent Ken Dilanian has attributed a profane on-air outburst that coincided with Tuesday’s breaking news that President Donald Trump won the state of North Carolina to “some technical difficulties” and the “Perils of playing producer, cameraman and tech support all at the same time from home.


Viewers of MSNBC were caught off guard when Dilanian did not respond to a question from host Craig Melvin, and instead appeared to look down at his phone several times and become very visibly alarmed.


“Oh st, fk,” Dilanian gasped.


The camera quickly cut away from Dilanian and back to Melvin, who was caught at a momentary loss for words before saying, “Okay.”


Dilanian quickly took to Twitter after the incident to post an apology: “So sorry for the profanity I used on air last hour. I was experiencing some technical difficulties and mistakenly hung up on the control room, though my mic still was on. Perils of playing producer, cameraman and tech support all at the same time from home. #2020.”


The NBC correspondent’s “technical difficulties” with the “control room” coincided almost to the minute with breaking news that President Donald Trump had won the state of North Carolina.


Democratic Party senate challenger and philandering spouse Cal Cunningham was also defeated in North Carolina by Republican Thom Tillis:


On Tuesday afternoon, a full week after the election, The Decision Desk HQ has called North Carolina for President Donald Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), showing a sound defeat for Tillis’ well-funded Democratic challenger, Cal Cunningham, who National File exposed for having an extramarital affair with the wife of a U.S. Army veteran who apparently became suicidal after learning his wife was cheating him.


Decision Desk HQ officially projects that President Trump and Tillis will be the winners of the North Carolina elections, despite the vote having frozen at 94% reported on November 3 and remained almost constant until the race was called.


Dilanian’s Twitter feed is, unsurprisingly, littered with posts that are critical of President Donald Trump and the GOP.

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.11584187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4213 >>4519

Facebook Reportedly Removes Several Pages Linked to Ex-Trump Aide Stephen Bannon


The pages, which accumulated more than 2.45 million followers in total, reportedly posted information about alleged voter fraud, which President Trump claims took place during this year's presidential election.


Facebook has pulled at least seven pages connected directly to former Trump administration chief strategist Steve Bannon, after activist organisation Avaaz notified the company about the possible spread of misinformation concerning the 2020 presidential race.


According to Avaaz, the pages removed aimed to "delegitimise the election with claims of 'voter fraud' and 'Stop the steal'".


The social media platform has "removed several clusters of activity for using inauthentic behavior tactics to artificially boost how many people saw their content", a Facebook spokesperson told the media on Tuesday.


The move comes after Twitter suspended Bannon's account last week for "glorification of violence" in violation of the company's policies. The ex-Trump aide called for the heads of FBI Director Christopher Wray National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci to be placed on pikes. The video was also taken down on Facebook.


"I'd actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England", Bannon said on an episode of his online show "War Room Pandemic". "I'd put their heads on pikes, right, I'd put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats."


Several media outlets project Joe Biden to officially become the 2020 president-elect. He is projected to win 290 of the 538 electoral votes apportioned across 50 states and the District of Columbia. While the US General Service Administration (GSA) has not ascertained a winner due to the lawsuits, Biden's campaign has threatened it with legal action if results are not recognised.


Incumbent President Trump has refused to acknowledge the latest vote count, insisting that he is the one who won the election but that it has been stolen from him by Democrats. He is now pushing efforts to reverse the results of the race in several states through legal action.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020


For President Trump to win, he needs to prove election fraud in at least three states.

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.11584352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4519

South Carolina Democrat Resigns After Devastating Election Results


South Carolina state senate minority leader Nikki Setzler (D.) announced Tuesday that he will step down from his role after Democrats lost three seats in the chamber last week.


Setzler, who has led Democrats in the South Carolina Senate since 2012, won reelection to his seat last week but will not seek another term as minority leader. Although Democratic strategists had hoped they could flip four Republican-held seats, Republicans expanded their lead.


Republicans now hold 30 of the 46 Senate seats.


Democratic caucus political adviser Antjuan Seawright told the Post and Courier that Setzler will "remain committed to being a bipartisan consensus builder in the Senate and working on behalf of his constituents and the people of South Carolina."


"Senator Setzler is also dedicated to fostering a new generation of leadership within the caucus, and will offer his continued counsel and guidance moving forward," Seawright said.


Republicans who ran for federal office outperformed national polling in last week's election. State races followed suit. Republicans successfully defended every state house and chamber majority they held going into the election and flipped both chambers of New Hampshire's state legislature.


Republicans' electoral success could create a long-lasting problem for Democrats, as Republican-led state governments across the country will now have the upper hand in redistricting following the 2020 census.

Anonymous ID: 249fc8 Nov. 10, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.11584363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4417 >>4519

Jeff Bezos No Longer Interested In Buying CNN As AT&T Reportedly Looks To Dump Network


Apparently, Jeff Bezos, the Amazon CEO and world's wealthiest man, has either abandoned his ambitions to build a true media empire, or perhaps doesn't think CNN is worth anything close to what AT&T is trying to sell it for.


Late last month, there were reports that AT&T was quietly shopping around for a buyer for CNN - the sensationalist, left-leaning "news" network which came with the furniture during its merger with Time Warner - and had stumbled on Jeff Bezos as a potentially interested party.


Now, Charlie Gasparino, the Fox Business reporter who broke the original story about AT&T considering Bezos as a potential buyer, has just minutes ago reported that while "the talk" inside the company is that AT&T is definitely looking to sell CNN to help pay down the debt from the Time Warner deal, there are some doubts about whether a buyer with deep enough pockets could be found - since Bezos is apparently uninterested (at least, for now).


Or here's a thought: Maybe President Trump could buy the network, gut it, and re-brand the carcass as the Trump News Network…he could even raise money for the endeavor by firing the entire staff person by person during a 24-hour telethon