Anonymous ID: ce6b7a Nov. 10, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.11584556   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Re-posting from lb since it seems relevant all the sudden.


Ok so way back at the GHWB funeral, many traitors were arrested immediately afterwards. Everyone saw those envelopes and how POTUS left before anyone else. The place was surrounded and military ships were stationed nearby. Even W acknowledged it was happening to his witch wife. Replaced versions (what makes a movie great? actors/happy endings) we've seen do the most insane things nobody ever imagined would be done publicly to help wake up the sleeping masses. Many people did wake up but there's a contingency of deep sleep citizens that needed more. They needed to live it, experience it and now see the final pieces of corruption play out in each state, the courts and probably SCOTUS. Like Q told us, 4-6% are lost forever and the end won't be for everyone (Antifa types, those arrested/executed, etc.) so the answer to your question is: For America. That's who.