>go back to reddit. you offer nothing of substance.
Says the Newfag to the oldfag.
Keking Intensifies
Rebranding KEK?
And its meaning.
Kek is what horde says instead of LOL.
Good try on rebrand tho.
But who gave it to WOW devs?
I have told you before image related >>11586321
Who made /v/ from halfchan adopt it?
The more you know!
Life is a psyop.
No it is literally from WoW.
And Mythos about KEK. which tied it to Pepe.
KM recognizes Night Shift again!
Its gone full mainstream now so doesnt matter.
But if you can learn it will help you avoid future influence operations.
The more you know
RedPill is not my fave but will give it a listen and see.
But she looks like a babe so gonna check it out.
Depends on how much you know.
For most listeners yes he is "good".
This grill needs some proof.