Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 10, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.11587201   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:


Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.


Proverbs 24:17-18



Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 10, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.11587222   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7364



Thats what happens when you live in chy-na … get hit with a LRAD randomly while you are trying to get to work. How does that even happen and what up with the massive gaping hole next to the road. Im sure they pull people out of that hole all day. in chyna

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 10, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.11587364   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Speaking of LRAD… Wonder if Seattle will use theirs…


Use of LRAD speaker by Seattle police for crowd control spurs questions, concern


It’s being touted as a non-lethal crowd control tool by the Seattle Police Department, but Long Range Acoustic Devices, also known as LRADs, are now coming under scrutiny locally and other cities that have deployed the military-grade speakers.

Police say it’s a powerful high-tech speaker that helps officers better communicate with protesters, but some critics say it can be used as a weapon.

“These devices and other acoustic weapons emit loud painful and potentially dangerous levels of noise,” said Molly Tack-Hooper, an attorney for the ACLU of Washington, adding that they are closely monitoring how Seattle police deploy the system. “There are plenty of reports that these weapons can cause permanent hearing loss.”

The system also has a feature that allows officers to send a high pitch tone from the speakers to help scatter the crowd. And the LRAD’s volume can be turned up to 149 decibels, which is as loud as a jetliner during take off.

However, Seattle police say the high-pitched tone feature on the LRAD will be disabled and the volume will not be cranked up to cause harm.

“Let’s look at it realistically, you’re not at a concert every night of the week for three hours standing next to an AMP," said law enforcement consultant Jim Fuda, who works with the local Crime Stoppers. "So I can’t believe that somebody would actually say this is going to cause long-term hearing damage.”

Police officials said the LRAD was recently purchased as a non-lethal crowd control tool that was recommended by the mayor’s office after the city received feedback last summer from protesters who said commands from on-scene officers were not clear or loud enough.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 10, 2020, 10:01 p.m. No.11587477   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7568


Satanists just do the opposite of Truth, Reason and light.


Cause they're a bunch of faggots that like in the ass cause it's the opposite of normal sex.


That's why their symbol is the inverted pentagram. They just inverted the original "light" pentagram pointing up.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Nov. 10, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.11587554   🗄️.is đź”—kun



WikiLeaks Emails between Joel Johnson and John Podesta:


Joel Johnson: “Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp. We can't start believing our own primary bullshit. This is no time to run the general. Crush him as hard as you can. Other than that, hope all is well and congrats on Nevada!”

John Podesta: “I agree with that in principle. Where would you stick the knife in?”

Joel Johnson: Obama betrayer (Wh will affirm). Hapless legislator (Senators/members will affirm). False promiser (policy elites will affirm). Can't win (black people will affirm).


New York Post: “Leaked emails show how Democrats screwed Sanders” | July 22, 2016


The Observer: “Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy” | July 22, 2016.


Breitbart: “WikiLeaks Emails Show DNC Worked Against Bernie Sanders” | July 22, 2016.


ABC News: “Emails Released by WikiLeaks Appear to Show DNC Trying to Aid Hillary Clinton”


The Guardian: “DNC emails posted by Wikileaks suggest party officials’ anti-Sanders sentiment” | July 23, 2016.


National Public Radio: “Leaked Democratic Party Emails Show Members Tried To Undercut Sanders” | July 23, 2016.


ABC News: “The 4 Most Damaging Emails from the DNC WikiLeaks Dump” | July 26, 2016.



TO: Bernie 2016

DATE: June 5, 2016

SUBJECT: End Game.

This memo details the exact demands made regarding Bernie Sanders conceding the primary to Hillary Clinton. It discusses the problem they are facing: Hillary Clinton does not have enough delegates to win the nomination, but they want it anyway. This even went so far as to offer Bernie Sanders a private jet and staff to make appearances at fall rallies in battleground states.


Huffington Post: “Debbie Wasserman Schultz And The DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders. Where’s The Outrage?” | August 17, 2016.


The Daily Beast: “Leaked Podesta Emails Show Bernie Was Right” | October 07, 2016


Political Insider: “DNC Admits They Stole the Election From Bernie Sanders” | October 17, 2016


RT News: “Doofus Bernie: Podesta Emails #11 Reveal More Contempt for Sanders” | October 18, 2016.


CNN Politics: “Hillary campaign in hacked email: Sanders 'needs to be ground to a pulp, subject was “Friendly Advice - No Mercy'” | November 03, 2016


Business Insider: “'Where would you stick the knife in?': Clinton campaign chair agreed Sanders needed to be 'ground to a pulp'” | November 03, 2016


News Punch: “WikiLeaks: Bernie Sanders was a plant, Democrat Primaries Rigged” | November 07, 2016.


Politico: “Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC: When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.” by Donna Brazile, DNC Chairwoman. | November 02, 2017.


Fox News: “Donna Brazile: I found 'proof' the DNC rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton” | November 02, 2017.


Fox News: Tucker Carlson Tonight | How the DNC Rigged the Nomination for Hillary | November 02, 2017.


The Washington Times: “Brazile says she found DNC deep in debt from Obama, controlled by Clinton a year before nomination” | November 02, 2017.


Newsweek: Hillary Clinton robbed Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Nomination, according to Donna Brazile. | November 02, 2017.


The Intercept: “Angry about the DNC Scandal? Thank Obama.” | November 03, 2017.


National Public Radio: “Clinton Campaign Had Additional Signed Agreement with DNC in 2015.” | November 3, 2017.