Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.11586944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6970 >>7029 >>7155 >>7186 >>7411 >>7605

>>11586680 (pb)

I've been digging on Trump's "people in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of" statement and I've watched Polly's video on the same subject.


THEN I started posting my digs here and the CP started and the bakerwar went into overdrive.


it is my contention that as bad as JOE is, he is NOT the Mr. Big. His brother James is.


My hit list so far

Ulla and JP Bak

William E. Kennard

Mark Epstein

James Biden

Henry Bridges

Aaron Berger


It is IMPOSSIBLE to find family photos of James Biden. The most I can find is he has a son around Hunter's age, there's another boy also about the same age from another family member. I think these families front with their Mr. Stupid and the people in the shadows are pulling the strings.


We won't be able to get people digging until the election kvetching slows down.


Note that all of the above are Zionist Jews, including the Bidens. That Catholic shit is a front. Wonder how Antifa is going to handle Biden's "prayer meetings"? KEK.


I promise you that is NOT Hunter on stage. It's not. if there's video of his mask slipping pop the still and I bet it won't be close up enough to tell.


They made that girl walk on stage, hug, hold her "uncle's hand" and pretend the world didn't see them having sex. The only people that never saw that–never looked.


That was a horrific terrible thing to do just for optics.


Who the hell is this Stephen Owens? Damn anon, good work!

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 9 p.m. No.11587030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7073 >>7156 >>7186 >>7411 >>7529 >>7605


>hand over Trump documents


If you watched "The Plot Against the President" and noted that when discussing the dossier they said "shopped to reporters" and who would believe that stuff, it's because they know it came from 4chan. They literally "shopped" some animae fag's piss fan fiction to reporters and only Rick Wilson bit.

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.11587103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7236 >>7266


I don't know where the video is. I only saw stills and knew right away that wasn't fucking Hunter. People have unique "energy signatures".


Holy shit how fucking arrogant to help steal an election then fucking go on stage and LARP about it. I wonder…if Stephen (((OWENS))) is his real name cause damn he looks like a Biden. Still not others to compare to.


We're fucked tho because no one will dig right now and in particular they're not interested in digging shit that isn't obvious. I'm 100% certain POTUS was signaling to dig beyond the obvious and after learning about the Baks (have a look at his "danish" man and tell me that's a human) business and finding that despite all the PR for the businesses, the businesses were fake. The tablets used Chink parts and were shit…but why? set up all these businesses then collapse them, move on to set up another.


POTUS's "people in dark shadows" is important.

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.11587280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7350


The hairline doesn't seem right but that could be tidied up. He has that feel about him that if stuck on stage he'd look like a deer in the headlights. Still that Owens guy pings stronger.


This is so strange. There's zero chance that's actually Hunter–still damn good find, better than I did yesterday.


SAVED!!! I found a photo of James with a young boy and the caption said it was a nephew…but not Hunter or Beau.


Ashley? She could well have a son at least old enough to hid behind a mask. The eyes bother me—it's NOT Hunter…that guy was literally holding his breath sort of feel. Thanks for digging along! So boring to watch the endless kvetching and I suck so bad at math if I decided to check data I'd end up showing some farmer in PA won KEK

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.11587336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7399


OK.. it's not Stephen Owens…it could well be jim jr. with different hair.


Now that I have them side by side I don't think Owens could have radiated that energy–we're close!

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.11587432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7451 >>7501 >>7676


Check this out. James has the same bags under eyes as Hunter. Unless Hunter had MAJOR plastic surgery recently–compare the younger Hunter to the porn meth Hunter.


It has to be a family member..although Owen's eyebrows are a match but young Jim isn't making a face.

Anonymous ID: c9189a Nov. 10, 2020, 10:20 p.m. No.11587640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I was there live when the piss story was fabricated by a bunch of teenage kids on 4chan. Rick Wilson's son was the leader, trying to prove how stupid and gullible politicians are. They kept trying to one-up each other on how ridiculous they could make the story. They wrote it like fan fiction. Later at least one of them got a lawyer, scared because Rick Wilson actually took the bait. But mostly they were giggling with glee at proving how utterly stupid adults are. I saw it.

Trust me I believe you. I was /b/ back when /b/ had flash gore background to keep normies out. I loved the part where he says the fan fic was based on Home Alone and since Trump was in the movie he put Trump in the story and the lads just went from there.


When the report was released the "author" went through it and highlighted the bits that were from the story. When they made the Steele dossier they broke the original story up into different parts. If any anon want to know why they were laughing about this in the Plot Against the President, read this…this 4chan anime piss fan fiction is what the fucking Democrats raged about for 4 years.


THIS is how utterly stupid they are.