Bob Mueller is the stealth bomber and will arrest them all in the coming days. Wait and see.
Bob Mueller is the stealth bomber and will arrest them all in the coming days. Wait and see.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's a tactic to ruin the boards. But it also gets vpn ip addresses banned. Summer 2019 when all of the CP was being spammed, I kept noticing that all of the ATL servers that I normally used were banned for CP. It's so we can't post. We just need to filter and move on. Because if they keep getting banned, someone who might be using the same vpn provider will keep losing ips. If more people begin falling back to the boards when the twitter purges heat up, we will need all the vpn ips we can get.
These people are so fucking obnoxious.
CPanon and gorfag are more than likely the same person. Why can't we go back to the good ole days when we had pornfag. He would show up late at night. It was a little annoying but it would always summon Q.
We really don't need to be this paranoid. Nobody is going to get raided because someone posted an image on a board we are on. Just filter and move on.
The game plan is pretty obvious at this point. The reason we haven't seen arrests is because of the election. The goal is to show America that the shadow government has been rigging elections for a very long time. Our votes have never mattered. It's all going to be exposed. All of the other crimes are meaningless now. We have them for treason. All of the pain and suffering. All of the wars. All of the debt. All of the SJW bullshit. It was all because they rigged the elections. It will not be safe for them to walk down the streets.