>>11593014 (pb)
Agree anon, RICO, NDAA and Patriot act authorize a LOT of different avenues to get the maximum amount of people involved all at once. Throw in the EO that allows confiscation of assets / money from those involved in "human trafficking" (AKA "Terrorism") and you could probably help break the brainwashing noted by an anon here >>11593028 . Trump did say that once elected we would see a stimulus like we've never thought possible, so newly acquired gibs from deep state fags being given to the American people on BOTH sides would be a good start at mending the divide.
>>11593191 (pb) Anon, the Bundy shit still pisses me off. Any one involved in that shit, Waco or Ruby ridge or anything thing similar should be hung from a rope by their neck until they are dead.