Joe threw Barry under the bus the other day too, saying that their large voter fraud organization was used by Barry to get elected.
Influenza disappeared worldwide.
Death toll = Influenza + Pneumonia + Covid
Covid presupposed if test was given
PCR test does not indicate illness, only presence of RNA bits
Death from covid =/= death involving x, y, z & covid
Covid antibodies deteriorate quickly; therefore, no vaccine effectiveness
Biological weapons are inherently unstable
Level 4 Bioweapon Lab gear necessary to protect from covid; even that failed.
Constitution not put on hold during emergencies
Covid numbers drastically enhanced by murderous democrat governors shoving sick people into old folk's homes.
The means by which the Dominion machines were tasked to eliminate Trump votes and turn Trump votes into Biden votes.
I think it was this one.
True. We can't stop you mentally ill people from posting here.
We have to tolerate you.
Which would be a lot easier, if you went back on your meds.
It must have been the Dominion people saying "voting machines are much safer and more reliable than mail in ballots; it would be virtually impossible for the machines to be inaccurate."
Any we you'd like.
We can't stop mentally ill people posting here.
The ones who schizo post, the ones who gore post, the ones who post cp.
Can't stop them all.
But we don't have to play into their mental illness, either.
So take your meds. They were designed so that society could tolerate you more easily.
Biden "picked up a lot of votes in red areas", so, yeah. They robbed red areas to feed the Biden machine.
Biden underperformed Obama, Hillary in blue areas, but overperformed them in red.
Which is pretty much impossible.
I'm watching China and the Norks today, per Q drop re 11:11.
Meaning we should have the source code that the Dominion machines run on.
CBS always had the distribution rights, but yeah, the 21 looks shopped/pushed in.
Seth's got some sexual issues too, iirc.
Yeah, like No Name putting himself in charge of finding/retrieving Viet Nam POW/KIA/MIAs.
He had zero intention of doing that.
It does not defy logic that the Democrats would cheat and try to steal the election. They've been doing it since the Civil War. Probably sooner.
Pretty sweet hoodie tho
Nothing we can do to stop you from posting here.
Your insanity is clear to the sane; it's only you who are confused about the reaction people have to you.
Hence, the meds.
Take them.
That's breathtakingly easy.
Airport shut down. Assuming Boeing is adjacent?
With massive fraudulent voting, they barely held on.
They're going to lose dozens of seats.
Looks like we caught in Insurgent Officer.
I'll take the word of the people who built it, like Montgomery, Wiebe and Binney.
You can choose whatever you want to believe.