Hammer and Scorecard Connection
It is important to note the Dominion Voting Systems software’s presence in our voting system. It has been called out previously for being “easily hacked.” This software is used all over the country, including every single key swing state. If a computer scientist at a “hacking convention” can successfully hack a voting machine, then it can be deduced that someone with a great deal of knowledge would be able to do the same.
For those that do not know, Hammer is a software developed for the CIA designed to penetrate secure systems (like voting systems) without detection. While this was originally designed to be used only against foreign countries, whistleblower, and the person who designed the software, Dennis Montgomery revealed that under the Obama administration this software was used to surveille domestically.
This software designed for the CIA could have easily been used to access the already vulnerable voting systems. Used along with the app “Scorecard” this could have led to a premeditated attempt to switch votes. Scorecard works in conjunction with Hammer to change votes at a rate of just 3% during the data transfer portion of voter tabulation. The results would have been slight enough that poll workers may not have noticed the discrepancy.
Dominion Voting System claims that their voting systems have “Comprehensive, non-alterable audit logs.” Could that mean that a footprint was left that could be the “forensic evidence” that Sydney Powell, attorney to General Flynn, spoke about? As more and more evidence is revealed of irregularities in voting tabulation, it is a reasonable move to request that all irregularities are examined and an audit of all votes tallied through these machines be completed.
Pretty obvious the Obama administration still think they can do whatever they want,.