Anonymous ID: 0e677b Nov. 11, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.11596514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6603

Is anyone seeing this lol

Think big money and banks are not a part of this plandemic lol


Story at a glance


A new economic report issued by Deutsche Bank asserts that workers who work remotely are enjoying better economic gains than their commuting counterparts.

Many offices will not be reopening until mid-2021.

The remote working and learning taken as a preventative measure against COVID-19 transmission has rendered millions of Americans housebound. Offices, schools and other public working spaces have been closed for months as the pandemic rages on.


A new report commissioned by financial giant Deutsche Bank proposes that for individuals who continue to work from home rather than in an office, a 5 percent income tax should be levied to support lower income workers who do not have the opportunity to stay home.


As part of its “Rebuild” report, Deutsche Bank calculates that the average worker would not be any worse off by paying this tax because of the costs saved when working remotely, Business Insider reports.

Anonymous ID: 0e677b Nov. 11, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.11596970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seen how it's made…. Many times over

The solution is so fucking simple

Stop acting like war mongering idiots towards each other world could change in a matter of months

Really surprised at the things I've seen

You would think people getting plugged into something they would stay humbled at the opportunity of those stages

Instead time and time again they turn into little dictating Nazis don't they ?

Lie enslave take take take

I hope one day these supposed awakened communities wake up n see no matter what side they represent they way it's done is all the devil's work