Anonymous ID: 6e239a Nov. 11, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.11598772   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Through ActBlue, any funds given to BLM were routed through them.


What will BLM want? Its not anything for Black people, its all about Marxist. Disssolution of western family structure? It is what they claimed. Last 5 paragraphs are most telling.


Alexandra Kollontai wanted a dissolution of the family, also. She was a leading Bolshevik in the overthrow of Russia. Kids would be property of the state. Marriage was over.

This is an old playbook they are running, Anons.

She was the most prominent woman in the Soviet administration and was best known for founding the Zhenotdel or "Women's Department" in 1919