Anonymous ID: 59f12f Nov. 11, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.11603996   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is subtle, guise, so you might not see it.

No, it's incredibly obvious the way the media keeps hammering against their favorite target - straight, white males.



It's just society making excuses for pussies. They even invented a new language and they'll throw around terms like "microaggressions" to try to act all intellectual and, thus, superior in their eyes, all because in the end they are still a bunch of pussies.


Then they'll retreat to their "safe space" and have a group hug and a good crying session so they'll all feel better and forget that the world, the REAL world, is a fucking brutal place that does not give two shits about them and their feelings.