Rudy Giuliani spells pac’e (not pace).
Not seeing the connection.
How Code Monkey Saved America
Best chapter in American history class in 2095
Code Monkey.
Remember In the early days of “in here” there was that guy who supposedly stole a plane, did a big loop de loop in the sky and then crashed it and supposedly died. All the family interviews were via proxy and then poof the story was gone like a vapor.
The story evaporated. Just the beginning of crazy bizarre habbenins.
Oh yes. I forgot about that.
His voice was used but they couldn’t confirm he was actually on the plane or if it was remotely controlled or something else.
More memory lane from the early days:
Remember when the walking bridge across the freeway collapsed right on cue for one of the first identifiable FFs? I believe Faulty steel from China was to blame, but seemed to be more to it.
I don’t believe we used the term false flag at that point.