>>11603956 (PB)
>that Dewine guy is suspect, for being a red state governor, as he does goofy shit consistency
Like Kasich before him he's a rino. They have to LARP as republicans convincingly enough to keep office. Oddly DeWine likes Haiti.
OHIO is the most corrupt state in the Union LARPing as a meek mild red state where you'd never look. Just wait.
Of all the biden/archer/cooney emails it was OH Rob PORTMAN that was listed as contact during his "junket" to the Ukraine.
He's worth over 8 million if I recall…that's only his "findable" money. He's been larping as our rep for 20 plus years…knows when to say "god" etc…and he's thus far wisely chosen not to out himself and congratulate Biden. at least the ones who have congratulated him are more honest.
pics related
He could have. It doesn't really matter anymore. I'm comfier knowing QAI "control" mechanism has been unplugged. How we got here? we got here.
>[[They]] watch everything go be gay on Reddit
Retard level >9000.
>Sounds like they were trying to plant breadcrumbs that would leave the legitimacy of Q as questionable.
You are unwell. The server trace is public and anyone who has an understanding of how to do it can replicate it. There are hundreds of frogs on /pol/ who know exactly how to do what that guy did. If it were fake or misinformation it would have immediately been called fake and gay. The server trace is accurate, you sir, are a retard.