Just thought of something profound. The left is attacking what they call "Whiteness". It's all part of the critical race theory BS that we all have been subjected to lately. Here's what they say.
Racism is based on the concept of whiteness, a powerful fiction enforced by power and violence. Whiteness is a constantly shifting boundary separating those who are entitled to have certain privileges from those whose exploitation and vulnerability to violence is justified by their not being white. Some examples, or traits of whiteness include the following… Rugged Individualism, Punctuality, Proficiency in math, having both a mother and father in the home (AKA Nuclear Family), And they even attack the concept of ownership of private property, duhhh capitolism Ect Ect Ect… Bla bla bla… They say all white people are-inherently racist based on the color of their skin, not the content of their character (which they demonize as totally evil). Basically, all positive traits that promote upward mobility and success are totally "whiteness"..
General Flynn just tweeted out a reminder to all of us that, "success breeds success". If that is so, then the same is true with failure. The left needs us to fail so that we need them, but we keep foiling their plans, even in hard times. HOW? We are rugged individuals, who love their families. And we embrace the principles of freedom and essential liberty. We are ROCKS, and cannot be moved, because we have the God given gifts of Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness. You know, The thing! lol
Their Ideology of division is FLUID, and will adapt to all criticism in real time, all while twisting and spinning a constantly flowing, ever growing and living lie to justify its actions. Do as thou will… It adapts to be whatever it needs to be in order to achieve it's goal. It is the Satanic doctrine in motion. Same as it ever was. From the Nazis persecuting the Jewish people to The Globalist Radical Left persecuting us, They, the Fascists are here again, dawning their same old cloaks. Now it's OUR turn to fight them. This time it's an insurgency. irregular warfare. Good VS evil. HOW Do you win that??? I've stressed over this so much. HOW DO WE WIN THIS??? And then…. Whoah!!!!! Here is my profound thought….
We win this exactly how we ARE ALREADY WINNING THIS! We're already doing this perfectly! We remain calm when they bring Chaos. We speak the truth when all they have are lies. Anons, The Truth IS the Sword, and you all have it in your hearts because God put it there! Wield it well! Q has reminded us the importance of The Armor Of God, so that we may stand. AND WE STAND TOGETHER! WWG1WGA! God Bless…