On Oct 2, 2020, POTUS said "Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!" The second L in well being an upper case I.
On Nov 11, 2020, CM said "A bad operator could theoretically setup the ballot to put a specific candidate into a party that is not his
official party. If you select his party and vote for the party, the individual candidate wont get a vote.
Republican -Trump
RepubIican -Trump
I'm thinking Trump team knew about this tactic, and the whole cheat well ahead of time. They were prepared and caught the Dims/DS
red handed. POTUS keeps twatting about the 70+million votes he got and that he won on Nov 3 etc etc. He did. Biden team cheated.
Slipping in a few extra votes, or falsely registering some old folks in a nursing home is bad, and deserve prison time, but cheating, on a
scale the Dims did in this election, rises to a much higher level. It is a direct attack on the Constitution itself.
Creepy Joe had to have some knowledge of this cheat. He's stupid, but not that stupid.
drops 3716 and 3717 both say:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but
you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
What if…the first indictment/arrest is Joe Biden? That would certainly shock the world. We are in the 'prep the people' phase right now.
drop 2803 says:
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight Indictments, ARRESTs, and DECLAS will force WW coverage. Leaks, bribery,
collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution. Q
WW coverage of a US Presidential candidate, falsely declared the winner, arrested for "knowingly" cheating on a massive scale to "win".
Leaks, BRIBERY, COLLUSION re: MEDIA will force resignations w/follow up criminal prosecutions. They declared Creepy Joe the
President-elect and keep pushing it. They say no to little evidence of cheating. etc
If Creepy Joe's "discussions" w/F leaders (FISA) includes contingency plans for intervention, that's treason.
Just a thought or two.