Youre the Owl dude, yeah? [P] stuff?
I have a question…
10 Days starts 12.7
I havent read your stuff, sorry, but I noticed [P] you kept mentioning.
An stone archway has the keystone at the top and springers on the base.
Theres a lot of mentions of this week of stringers.
s[P]ringers Stringers?
No, I mean I solved Q Code and I can show you what posts are for what days.
you just confired the third thing for me the past hour
Q Clearance is (I think) 12.4
If something to do with Al Franken turns up in the news today…
So what are Stringers?
August 11?
Im not sure yet. Thats why Ive been asking here for people to help check.
Ill post in a minute with it.
11.3 2020
The marker is election day.
Post 21
Paint the Picture
That post refers to "an over the weekend post" which is 129.
Ill make it easy for you.
Link with it all set out too.
But please do me a favour…
Heres 11.12 11.13 11.14
Ive added 11.11 too, so you can check back.
"Learn to read the map"
P{revious posts say the map has 43 locations.
The Map is the election map with the 43 locations of the buried bodies(?). Dead voters. Or flipped machines.
The list in pink also says on the bottom 1-43
Ignore the notes. Im speculating.
Im in Australia. So keep an eye on things, see if anything matches…
If they do, even partly, then you might want this file the file:
From college girl to mother of four.
If youre interested…
Link to a file with all the dates and matching post numbers.
Last thing…
Ignore my notes. Theyre not gospel.
Like the USB, that would be the USB keys for the voting machines. Not Arkstone
Yeah, they would have to be. I mean how would we see vote flips live on TV?
Yeah and right now is the closing act.
Not like its over in a week. But a over a month maybe?
Is already underway anyway.
What are Stringers?
Springers are the base of the archway with the Keystone at the top.
'Stringers' are happening this week.
What does Q mean when he says stringers?
Check The Map with the 43 locations.
Theres 43 machines.
Q says check the map.
Its that map.
Check the map. Find the buried bodies.
The dead voters
Because theres a bunch this week related to RED RED ASIA
Has anyone considered…
Keystone = Obama
Obamas Ring
Think Circle
Round data centre
Bring down the keystone obama?
Hes in korea now looking for a new handler.
Asian Foundation?