Anons have a clip of this beautiful vet's impassioned interview?
Dominion Fucker has made it out of the twittersphere into talk radio (Rush guest host).
but NYPost backed off of a story on Google. Why?
>>11597134 p
Google = 32% NY Post Traffic.
Twitter = 5% NY Post Traffic.
one of my buds is hardcore. he voted for bernie. he wore a pussy hat in dc (his gf made him).
been working on him. he's about to crack. leftists aren't known for having any conviction; if the narrative isn't easy to believe , they lose heart quickly.
Q, how long POTUS gonny let governors do unconstitutional shit to us?
only a fool would believe anything a press release said about anyone, especially the Pope and especially a Biden-Harris press release.
Not a big fan of Francis necessarily.
The facts remain that the papacy is the most slandered office on the planet and Biden-Harris are proven liars.