Tells you they're out of the loop wrt comms.
Radio silence on the good guy side.
They know Biden would leak. It's POTUS against the US government honchos at this juncture. No one there to trust.
Tells you they're out of the loop wrt comms.
Radio silence on the good guy side.
They know Biden would leak. It's POTUS against the US government honchos at this juncture. No one there to trust.
He should have been getting briefings as a candidate, or not?
Does the bitching mean the briefings stopped?
At this point, can Biden get a security clearance? That would be a kicker, "president-elect" denied security clearance, here's why.
At any rate, whoever it is that is paying these motherfuckers for information appears to be making a margin call, but there's no chips left on the table.
True authority. He knows what the fuck he's talking about. Has nothing to do with a diploma or title.
This could be what set off the, "Let Biden have security briefings", drama queens.
First domino has fallen and they have no fucking clue what's happening. No leaks.
Sounds like he can't get a security clearance, so she can't make a big deal out of it,
With Grassley involved, it may be these guys are tweaking Biden's balls, knowing it will blow up in his face if he pushes it.
Have Pelosi and Schumer bitched about it yet?