Faux news and neoclown warkikes.
Yep. Faux news was thick with the neoclown warkikes.
But it wasn't just Perot and Talk, it was the loss of 48 year Dem control of the house, and the realignment of many southern midwest "blue dog* Dems becoming Repubs. They wanted to stop it.
Faux didn't realize libertarians have right/left/paleoConstitutionalist/and paleo cons. They thought they were all like Reason mag. They were the exact people Faux wanted suppressed. When they dumped Shill O'Reily, Glenn Beck, etc, they opened their doors to guys like Tucker, Gutfeld, Waters, etc. And they didn't catch Hannitys growing disillusionment with the Bush neoclown wing.
But they made money. And their id ad were nutballs so who cares.
Trump won and Faux realized they lost control of the narrative. They thought the had it back cuz where will the right go. They're finding out, and are panicking with Nigger Cavuto etc flipping out at Trump and the prime timers and weekenders defying top brass–fire us.
If Faux does Hannitys will take a pay cut and drive viewers to own or newsmax. Tucker could as well, or go start another news service again. Laura could do the Hannitys thang. Kevin's a jew won't get fired, but guess he follows Hannitys. The Five/weekenders also have lots of options.
Whose Faux gonna hire Bill Krystolnacht and his gang of neoclown washed up warkikes?
I love this movie.****