He will die soon. He knows it. They all do. This is where the Bush family dynasty ends. W, Jeb, et al. will all pay for the crimes committed upon this nation by their family. All the wealth they have should be seized and given back to the American people.
Actually Anon, it is the most vicious type of poetic justice to watch everything they lied, stole, and murdered to build up crumble to ashes, to watch all the wealth they accumulated for themselves being secretly seized, to watch the security they thought they had vanish with the wind. All of this is happening.
And here's the kicker…they're powerless to do anything to stop it.
A lot of what these people have done will not be revealed, and I agree with Q that some things are so bad that they are best left unknown. Some of us a freaking out that there are no arrests. Honestly, the world would be better off if most of these people were dead rather than be put in prison. And many of them will choose death rather be exposed, humiliated, and spend the rest of their days in prison. Can you imagine No Name, Pelosi, Hussein, and HRC admitting their crimes to a military tribunal and surrendering themselves to prison? I don't see that happening. Their arrogance will never allow them to abide that. Watch for No Name's tumor to come back…and other ridiculous drama with the rest of them as the noose tightens. Based on Q's post we can soon expect some type of drama that's going to end the Papacy of the dude who's currently in the Vatican.
Q's suicide week/weekend is a yet future event. The Clowns are losing their grip on the world, and the cabal is falling in one place after another. Their staged shootings and truck rammings used to shock and distract people. Now we know the game.
Eyes on, Clowns. Its over!
A long and wealthy life, yes, but not so healthy. He spend his last years fretting about being exposed. That kind of stress will kill him off faster. He will not be going to his grave feeling happy and satisfied. Rather, he's now a terrified old man who's probably wishing for death to take him before all the shit comes down.
Q, when you say "it's time". please be specific. My fragile little heart can't take the excitement and anticipation.
This weak-chinned mofo is finished. The Clowns have moved on. MSM now has a new narrative.
Q said Soros has $1 trillion, not billions.