Dream Theater.
The reality is that they can not take what they do not know exists.
If (They) can get ship loads of fully automatic weapons through our ports to give to ANTIFA then I will absolutely guarantee you that some of those fully automatic weapons are going to wind up in the hands of Patriots.
Besides that, who the fuck are Biden and Kabal-a that they think for one second that they can disarm the most heavily weaponed and lrgest fighting force on the entire planet with a fucking Wish List?
I live in Washington stae, or as I like to call it, San Francisco North.
They have already been passing as many lws as they possibly can.
I quit caring about what they do with that a long time ago.
Did you know that there are plans available on the internet that show you how to build a gun in your garage in a weekend with just a few power tools?
You can literally build a single shot 12 gauge shotgun out of black iron pipe that you can buy at Lowes or Home Depot all damn day long in less than an hour.
(YOU) need to go back to your kind and tell them we are coming for you all.
Ya think maybe some old farts in the military might have recognized this dastardly plan too?
Maybe way back when?