Seth ID: 3023ab Nov. 12, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.11618079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8374

Listen up fags…


Has anyone guessed why the “Trust Wray” disinformation was necessary? While he was dark, the FBI was contemplating labeling the Q movement as domestic terrorists, which would have allowed the FBI to open up FISA global surveillance on absolutely anyone who associated themselves with Q. If you think the FBI still doesn’t have enormous power, then and now, you are dead wrong. That agency and Wray, in particular, are the single greatest threat to our democracy because of their ability to stomp all over our Constitutional Rights. They do this everyday and they are doing it now. Trump needs PRETEXT to dismantle, WHILE ITS STILL OPERATED UNDER WRAY.


You CANNOT have it both ways, fags. The FBI isn’t virtuous in some cases, and corrupt in others. They are a COVER-UP AGENCY and always have been. So the only question you need to ask yourself is WHO IS THE FBI STILL TARGETING? And why?


Trump? That was the past. Flynn? That’s moved into the Judiciary. Who the fuck else, fags? Who’s rights are being trampled on because they are CIA and D6 Whistleblowers and are exposing the VAST corruption on a global scale. I pray to god the autists here know Delta-Six or else we are in real trouble. How could NoName have been put to death by military tribunal unless he was responsible for something VERY big… as in a vicious network of spies and assassins.


Now, very few of you have seen actual war as I have. Seen friends cut to pieces by IEDs, eyes taped shut so they wouldn’t go into shock seeing their legs had been blown off. You don’t know the first thing about physical courage… but you do know about INTELLECTUAL COURAGE, the kind that Gen. Flynn talked about. And that courage is required to paint a target on the FBI and laser-focus on bringing those political prisoners the FBI has targeted TO THE LIGHT. That is all that matters now. The Who, What, Where, When and Why of FBI targets.


WE HAVE TO FIGHT, and your silly little reservations about who gets the Q Community’s attention is a bunch of intellectually dishonest horseshit. Wake the fuck up, fags. This phase in the Q op is about ONE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: following your own discernment… not some Q Influencer who you think is just fucking peachy. There are more Americans that are in the FBI crosshairs that you are not even seeing. There is an American that remains ENTIRELY unnamed by Q+ on the boards since he became public. Oh you think you know? You think you understand what’s going on? You don’t. You’re are WITNESSES to a live military intelligence operation, and you are allowed to participate so that you can learn. Yes, I am saying this has been a TRAINING PHASE this past 3 years. This drip-nurture campaign was deployed to create a global machine: the “alert and knowledgable citizenry” that Eisenhower prayed this country would develop.


We don’t all go back to our boring and purposeless lives after the election. There are NO FREE RIDES. This is a vocation from now until the end of your lives, fags. This machine is going to ensure that NO ONE gets through the gates again. And if they do, we smoke them out using all means of information dissemination: Twit, FB, IG, Parlar if they are even still around. No matter the battlefield we fight on it. But there are new, far more free battlefields that the public need to be migrating to now. Why did Reddit used to be so popular? It sure as shit wasn’t the interface that people liked. It’s not pretty, but for a time it seemed like anyone could go there for raw intel. Most people will put up with a garbage interface if it means they get the kind of naked intel necessary to make up one’s own sovereign mind.


What is the new social media platform that functions like OG Reddit, but is built for the Quantum Era? If you haven’t figured that out yet, you’re behind the power curve. And it sure as shit isn’t fucking Parlar. A little help for those autists who haven’t popped their meds yet today… it uses blockchain.


If we don’t use our collective power to actively fight back against the FBI’s current ruthless and unconstitutional objectives, we are nothing more than a fucking SEWING CIRCLE.

SMG ID: 3023ab Nov. 12, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.11618134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, if you haven’t guessed, stands for Quantum. Quantum Computing, Quantum Internet, Quantum Era, are the topics you need to start wrapping your head around.

QC 101:

  1. QCs are laser/graphine-based.

  2. Graphine loses its mass when excited properly.

  3. Mass is tied to gravity, which is tied to TIME.

  4. A QC using the QI operates outside of the bounds of time.

  5. Q has mentioned two QC/QI technologies in the drops: Looking Glass (OG) & Snow White (CIA).

The Gap:

  1. The DIA and Q+ (not Trump - totally unverified) are in possession of the most advanced QC on the planet utilizing QI to post to these boards from the future.

  2. The liability involved in disseminating information presently would put this entire operation in legal jeopardy, so it is being conducted as the Commander, Q+, recalls the events from the future and uses time-warping technology to speak to us in the present.

  3. How else do you think all these insane Deltas occur? This is not about MI having such an insane degree of control that they nail a Delta as they march towards it at a point in time (not to mentioned there are a lifetimes worth of discoverable Deltas that would be entirely outside the control of the White Hats). Someone is utilizing the QI to place markers in the drops because they can recall their own timeline and are marching us towards that future, very very very carefully. Zero fat, only what is absolutely necessary to ensure the mission.


Logical? Yes. Comprehendible? Yes.


Last thing and then I’ll shut the fuck up. If you haven’t visited or put together that all the tripcodes add up to a library of Q-approved knowledge, then get up to speed, fags. The most referenced author (7 books) on there is Dr. Michael Salla, and his primary source is Corey Goode, SSP Whistleblower. Yes, Q endorses Goode, insofar as his honest testimony, via Salla, is concerned. If you haven’t watched Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia, get on PB and torrent that shit (broken up S1-5/6-11). One of the biggest takeaways in Goode’s testimony, is that what is going on right now is not just a shadow war… it is a TEMPORAL WAR, a war of timelines. Mandela Effect - the natural snapping together of disparate [unnatural] timelines. “Snow White Offline”. Our timeline has been fucked with and now the US Military has taken control of the technology that allowed for the fuckery. We are fighting for the optimal timeline according to the version that Q+ was witness to, as the Commander of the Space Force in the future. This is the most important IT project the world will ever know. It sets the stage for the future…


THE INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS. Our sovereign mind must be protected in a bulletproof fashion so that the QI cannot be used to tap into the QC between our ears without our permission (If you’re concerned about wearable/implanted tech, you are way behind the power curve). Yes, that has happened and is still happening until the Military can defend the entire world with an IBOR mandate. There is NOTHING more important than the IBOR… unless, of course, you want to be open to being controlled like a robot and fed adverts straight into your brain by the SV Mafia. ARE YOUR THOUGHTS YOUR OWN? You better be policing that shit right now while we’re still in the Wild West. Google’s 72 qubit QC still operational?


The following QR code links to the archive that is about to be entered into the Federal Court record (Nov. 16th) and will be used ad infinitum for prosecuting crimes and abuses by the CIA and FBI. It was posted here years ago, and nobody knew what they had because only a few people ACTUALLY DIG and connect dots. The unconstitutional FBI case opened to suppress the information contained in this archive is more important than you can possibly imagine. It literally sets the stage to takedown the FBI for CURRENT ABUSE.


“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Take care, fags, God Bless you all, esp the still-openminded frens.