>>11621591 (PB)
Nope. Duke University. THEN China. That little tidbit got covered over in under a week.
>>11621593 (PB)
I'll be with family for both of those occasions … and nowhere near Michigan.
>>11621507 (PB)
C) None of the above. When Walmart went crazy initially, I just started using Food Lion more. Food Lion never went full Nazi.
CISCO and RedHat both have a presence there … and a LOT of smaller companies that you'd have to be in the industry to recognize. ISTR that there was a video card maker. The Missus and I toured RH … I still have the cap they gave me. This was pre-Mandrake.
That appeared to be the net result. If enforced, though, it would end the Fed. We have that debt already. I truly like the idea of the Treasury printing up three $10 trillion dollar notes and paying off the debt. Then taking over the FRB physical assets as "change".