Fuckery is afoot
There are 3 competing stories now on the 2.7 million vote flip.
1) Dominion (individual machines in each county) - whistleblowers say Dominion people flipped the votes
2) HAMMER (alter vote totals at state level - not in mchaines) - Lt Gen McInerney made this claim
3) Dumped fake ballots in various counties and the flip did not happen - this is the new theory by John Solomon in the link https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1327122326870220806
2 of these are false and likely misdirects to fool the Trump team in the short time they have to rebut the results
Before you stupidly say, both or all 3 can be true, think for one second. #3 says #1 and #2 are wrong. And either Dominion or Hammer flipped the glitch votes.
Please note who rallies behind each theory.