Old memefag here with something worth considering:
America under Trump will/must be victorious. Biblically speaking.
Here's why. The generation that sees the sprouting of the olive branch (rebirth of Israel) shall not pass until all these things (events of Revelation) be fulfilled.
Jesus also tells his followers that a remnant shall escape to be sheltered by the wings of the eagle (you know that's us, but also an allegory for God) in the wilderness. America recently established a military base at the edge of the wilderness zone in Israel.
America in prophecy: This is disputed, but follow. Isaiah 18. Young's Literal Translation gets it right, "Ho" not "Woe."
V2: Fearful from its beginnings (also terrible). America beat the mightiest nation on Earth to secure our beginning.
V3: The world fears when America lifts its flag for battle. Strongest military the world has ever seen.
V7: America is brought to God in the fullness of time to Israel at Armageddon where we will shelter the remnants that flee the destruction.
As to timing, the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel shall not pass… A generation is minimally 40 years. We're past that. A generation ranges from there up to 100 years. 100 years from 1948 puts the limits around the year 2048. We're getting close.
Further yet, Trump's Middle East peace deals are birth pangs to go along with the wars and everything else. The peace deal is a shadow (nothing evil on Trump's part) of the ultimate abomination to come: the marriage of Israel and Islam as a Muslim Anti-Christ signs a deal with a Jewish False Prophet to share the Temple Mount and rebuild the Jewish Temple.
America must be a gift. It sure isn't a gift right now. Yes, I think Trump has to be victorious and was as much called by God for this time as the military desired to clean the shit out.
Have faith, anons. The future looks… miraculous.