Antarctica used to be a tropical climateโฆ.
Looks like an ayahuasca trip. Mayan?
I wonder if the island will sell for cheap?
You clearly are a fucking moron.
You know absolutely nothing. Stfu. Ayahuasca/dmt has been used for thousands of years.
Do your research jackass. Meth is chemical. Dmt is a plant.
Do your research.
And you can release dmt with meditationโฆ
Dmt is extracted from mimosa hostilis root barkโฆ I know because I fucking extract it
Thank you.
That's for ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is an 18 hour journey. Dmt is 15 mins. You really are stupid.
Dmt is released from the pineal gland naturally
Amazing gif!
I use Hawaiian wood rose seeds
Yes you boil the roots for hours. It's not a recreational drug like shroomsโฆ
Have you ever tried it? Doubtful. But I bet your dumb ass loved meth
So why have they been at the root of every vision from god?โฆ. every culture uses them. Oracle of Delphi was breathing in volcanic gases for "visions". As I said do your research kids
I think it's the other way around. You think jesus was just one person? Jesus christ is a titleโฆ the anointed one or enlightened one.
Have you ever tried psychedelics? Or does your head meds prevent you from such things? I've never had to be prescribed any such medication. Who's nuts?โฆ
The burning bush was said to be the acaciaโฆ HIGH in dmt
You really are a moron
That's correct. You also produce dmt
Never said we invented it?
Troll? Wtf? Bit it's ok for you idiots to gobble man made head meds? Jackasses
Guaranteed I have more brain power.
Gobble those head meds nutty! I've had a psyche evaluation because of pot. I'm golden. Wanna see my certificate?
Speak for yourself
How many meds are you on?
Thousands of yearsโฆ.
You can release it through meditation
Well? Answer the fucking question nutty
Wanna see my native American card?
Your head meds getting to you again?
You're counting my posts? Are you really that big of a loser? Lmao.
I love how the people against everything has never done anything. Are you waiving your bible at me? Keep waiving that bible that was rewritten by the same guy that wrote the book on demonsโฆ king james.
I've been here since day one.
@peekosthename. I dont feel the need to hide. Pussies
Q post 3517 was me.
Our religion? Wtf? When did I say I do it everyday?
I'm not the one eatting all the pills the modern day shaman shoves down my throat. Hypocritical idiots.
How many pills are you on?
Not my fault your on head meds. 99% of you nutty fucks are prescribed meds. Dirty druggies. You pop pills daily. Same difference yes?
Cesspool of nutty mother fuckers.
Q chose this cesspool for a reason. To try and help you nutty fucks.
But yet none of you have said you want on meds? Suicidal thoughts? Pull that trigger. Do us a favor
Answer the question then. How many of you nutty hypocrites are on head meds?
Coffee and cigarettes
Big mouth for being anonymousโฆ. hide some more pussy
Come make me? Miami Oklahoma. Need my address?
Never said psychedelics was for everyone? I was speaking on my own experiences and readings.
Baiting? Wtf? I was defending myself. All you nuts.
You make zero sense. Take your pills.